The Old Ivy Rose Moon Can’t Come to the Phone Right Now

If you’ve been here before, you will see that Ivy Rose Moon is no longer what it used to be.

This is the story of what happened.

Ivy Rose Moon was birthed in August of 2020, in the midst of the pandemic.  I was working as an eating disorder therapist on a very intense unit and my life was very small and quiet at that time.

After having the original version of the virus in March of 2020 and being horrifically sick and out of work for almost two months, I didn’t take any chances with my health. And being the introvert I am, I honestly didn’t mind that my life was comprised of work, hiking, working out at home, and writing this blog.

I began Ivy Rose Moon because I wanted to share content that was at the intersection of traditional psychology, positive psychology, and spirituality.

I wanted a place where I could talk about all of the things that actually helped me heal from severe depression and an eating disorder, because there wasn’t room in the traditional therapy world for the kind of healing and messages that I wanted to bring forth.

I wanted to help women heal from their eating disorders, improve their body image, and live their most confident lives and this blog was meant to be the start of that.

I enjoyed the articles I wrote and the work that I did, but I kept it hidden for fear of my colleagues discovering what I was up to.  It was my own little secret; a corner of the internet that was mine, but one that I was admittedly ashamed to talk about with others for fear that they would find me too “woo woo” and not the evidence-based persona they were used to.

The reality was that I wasn’t ready to be seen and I certainly wasn’t ready to claim my big secret.

My big secret was that deep down, underneath all of the talk about mental health and eating disorders and body image, I wanted out.

Deep down I was tired of talking about sickness and I was aching to immerse myself in a world that had been calling me for over a decade but I was too afraid to listen.

I wanted to devote myself to talking about spirituality, the soul, and the Sacred Feminine, but I felt like I had pigeon-holed myself into a scientific, evidence-based world that dismissed and ridiculed anything spiritual.

It took me years before I’d be able to admit this to myself (and to the world) and it wasn’t until I found myself 6 months into a promotion as a Clinical Director, at what should have been height of my career, that I decided to walk away. 

With the help of my now-husband, I left a world I’d worked so hard for and into the world of private practice & building my business.

But what I thought this would be a relatively easy transition turned into one of the hardest periods of my life. 

I thought I would slide out of that old world and into my new life pretty seamlessly, but the Universe had other things in store.

Over the course of the next year, the Goddess made it crystal clear that if I was truly ready to step into my soul’s work, an entire overhaul of my life was going to be necessary.

She made it clear that there were certain people from my past who couldn’t be part of my future, and during that time I lost a lot of friends, colleagues, and relationships.

She made it clear that in order for my business to work, I had to be in extreme and utter alignment with what I desired. Nothing less than my truth would be tolerated.

And she made me come face-to-face with some of my deepest wounds around being seen, being accepted, and feeling safe enough to be myself.

I had no idea that stepping away from the safety of a traditional job and into the arms of entrepreneurship would be one of the most profound initiations I’d ever experienced, but it was exactly what was needed in order to get to the place I am today.

It took a full year of deep healing, including mentorship, nervous system healing, Ketamine treatments, Sacred Feminine Ceremony, and an intense health regimen to move through everything I needed to move through to come out the other side…to a place where I could fully own the dream I had since I was in my early twenties:

To own a healing business that connected women with the Sacred Feminine.

Although I couldn’t articulate it at the time and it took over a decade to come to fruition, the journey was ultimately worth it.

Leaving behind the old Ivy Rose Moon and birthing what it was always meant to be has been profoundly healing and profoundly difficult.

It has called me to be a truer, more honest, more aligned version of myself.

It has asked me to leave behind old identities, relationships, and ways of being. 

And it has demanded that I show up in full alignment with my soul’s purpose instead of hiding behind the credentials that I used to use to bolster my ego.

So today I welcome you to Ivy Rose Moon 2.0, a place where women can activate the ancient wisdom that lives within them, reconnect with the Divine Feminine, and live the sacred lives that they were meant to live.

Here you will find a variety of resources, trainings, masterclasses, and high-level 1:1 mentorship to help you awaken the Sacred Feminine and reconnect to your soul.

This is a space for you to re-member yourself, to put back together all of the pieces of who you really are and live the most aligned, magical life you could possibly dream of.

I can’t wait for us to get started.

Welcome to the new Ivy Rose Moon. 


Lessons from Winter