Winter is When Truth Catches Up With You

the sacred truth of winter

Winter is the time when the truth catches up with you.

It is the time when the darkness forces you to confront whatever it is that you’ve been running from.

And the thing we tend to run from is our truth.

If you accept it, if you face it head on, it will become your medicine. But if you force your truth away, it won’t stop until it gets your attention.

One of the most destructive things we do as humans is give into our conditioning and ignore the calling of our souls.

Your soul is your guiding light. It’s the force that creates worlds. It’s your undeniable access to the power of the divine.

And when you ignore that call, when you ignore that truth, God, Goddess, the Universe will conspire with your soul to get your attention.

Our biggest wakeup calls tend to happen in difficult moments, in the Winters of our lives.

These are the seasons we often don’t see coming, the ones that take us by surprise and hold us in their muddy paws until we’ve learned the lesson.

Often these big moments of awareness happen after a cascade of events where we have kept ignoring our intuition and denying our truth in favor of what is more logical, rational, or socially acceptable.

The Divine won’t wait for you forever.

If you came here with a strong mission that you aren’t following, rest assured the Divine will eventually throw a wrench in your plans until you slow down enough to hear the call to surrender to your truth.

We avoid knowing what we know because it’s often the hardest path available.

It calls us to confront everything that is not in integrity with our highest selves.

Relationships, careers, homes, health, ways of being…nothing is safe when you have a calling you aren’t following.

But know this: It’s not because the Divine is cruel, it’s because sometimes it’s the only way we pay attention.

You have a choice: Wake up to the knowings of your soul or the Goddess will do it for you.


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