Why I’m Leaving Instagram

quitting social media

I don’t know how it started exactly, but I’ve always had an aversion to social media.

I grew up in the AOL chat room generation-turned MySpace-turned Facebook. I never liked any of them.

Perhaps it’s the part of me that doesn’t like doing things just because everyone else is doing them or maybe it’s because I’m a hardcore introvert who doesn’t enjoy being in everyone else’s energy.

Then again, maybe it’s because my Ancient Soul remembers the power and connection of Ancient Times…times when you went out into the world to connect with others and life was much deeper and less shallow.

Whatever the reason, I’ve always struggled to stay on social media for long. Even in the past 1.5 years that I had my Ivy Rose Moon account I found myself taking several prolonged social media breaks, secretly wishing I could just leave the platform all-together.

For years I bought into the advice that if you want a business in this day and age, you have to have a social media presence.

I know now that this is not true.

I also know that the women who are drawn to my work also secretly long for a time without social media.

They are the ones who, if given the choice between a Sacred Women’s Circle and an Instagram Live are going to choose the women’s circle in a heartbeat.

They are the ones who know that while social media has its benefits, it also has significant consequences.

And what’s more…many of my clients are rarely on social media, if they use it at all.

If there’s one thing I learned in 2023, it’s that what matters more than what everyone else says is following the fierce, deep knowings of your soul, even when (especially when) they call to you like a siren that no one else can hear.

So I made a choice.

I decided.

I decided that if it doesn’t bring me peace (my signature theme as a Manifestor), it doesn’t belong in my world.

And the second I made that choice, my body experienced the deepest exhale. It was like I’d been holding my breath for the last year and a half and now I could finally breathe.

Now I could finally feel the clarity within me.

There are big things coming for Ivy Rose Moon and if this is a space you want to be in, there are big things coming for you too.

Here’s to a new year, a new chapter, and the deep knowing that what matters more than anything is being aligned with the truth of who we are.

xx Alex


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