What if the Myth of Persephone was more than just a story, what if it’s an ancient blueprint?

It begins with a Maiden and ends with a Queen, but the story of Persephone holds medicine for us all…

The Myth of Persephone is more than just a story about a young girl who is abducted into the Underworld and eventually becomes it’s Queen; it’s an archetypal one that belongs to all women.

Persephone represents the pure, innocent part of ourselves that ends up facing a challenge that she didn’t ask for and uses it to her benefit. Where she could have branded herself a victim for life, she didn’t. Instead, she alchemized this challenge to become a more powerful version of herself.

Persephone is not the first Goddess to move through this life, death, and rebirth pattern. Hers is a story that belongs to an ancient lineage going all the way back to the Sumerian Goddess Inanna.

Imagine what it would be like if we were to see the challenges in our lives through this context, instead of buying into the belief that if life is hard or challenging or a struggle, that it means you’re doing something wrong?


Women were never meant to be static creatures, progressing through life in the trajectory of a line. We were meant to cycle, to spiral, to descend into the darkness and rebirth ourselves through to the other side.

But Modern Psychology has lost the appreciation for the archetypal realms and the world of symbolism that are innately woven into the experience of being a woman. It has pathologized the Dark Night of the Soul, the Void, the descending periods in our lives instead of empowering us to reclaim the wisdom that knows that life happens in seasons.

In this free masterclass, you’ll connect with the Goddess Persephone and let her be your guide as you dip your toes into this new way of looking at the challenges of your life. We will explore the symbols hidden within her myth, her role as an archetype in a woman’s psyche, and her journey from Maiden to Queen.

If you feel drawn to the world of the Goddess, the Divine and Sacred Feminine, and feel a kinship with Greek Mythology or the Goddess Persephone herself, this is for you.