The Wisdom of the Wolf

A 4-Week Group Coaching Program Based off of

Women Who Run With the Wolves

A change is happening amongst Modern Women and it’s happening first amongst the Sensitives, the Spiritual, the Mystics.

Women are craving something deeper. In their careers, in their relationships, in life in general.

They’re tired of being trained as part of the Strong, Independent Women Army, made to climb corporate ladders and chase a form of success that leaves them feeling high and dry.

They’re tired of relationships that feel shallow and simple, and they want to be surrounded by like-minded women with similar values.

And most of all, they’re tired of living a life that looks good to others, but is lacking in Soul.

Women Who Run With the Wolves is an essential read for the Modern Woman.

It parts the veils into the realms of mythology, archetypes, stories and fairy tales.

It reminds us of the psychic lessons we know subconsciously but have failed to bring into the collective forefront.

And it helps us re-establish a language and connection with the most vital entity of all: The Soul.

Join me in The Wisdom of the Wolf: A 4 Week Journey of Remembrance

Whether you are a long-time fan of Women Who Run With the Wolves or you’ve never read it but you feel the call, I invite you to join me in an intimate group coaching container designed to activate your remembrance of the Wild Woman Wisdom.

In this month-long container, we will cover:

Week 1: Initiations & Rites of Passage

Week 2: The Instinctual Life & The Wild Woman

Week 3: The Life/Death/Life Cycle

Week 4: Coming Home: Returning to Oneself

Every week for 4 weeks we will meet for 90 minutes to deepen into teachings on each topic and help you explore your relationship with them.

In order to create a sacred space that allows for deep sharing and the opportunity for in-depth coaching, space will be limited to 5 women.

“Traditional psychology is often spare or entirely silent about deeper issues important to women: the archetypal, the intuitive, the sexual and cyclical, the ages of women, a woman’s way, a woman’s knowing, her creative fire.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estés

🐺 You are craving depth in your life; in your relationships, your career, & and with yourself

🐺 You feel drawn to the Wild Woman archetype and want to learn how to apply her wisdom more directly to your life

🐺 Your Soul longs for a time when women gathered in circle and transmitted wisdom to one another

🐺 Your world feels a little lifeless or listless, like you’re living in black & white and need to infuse some color and life back into it

🐺 You feel the call to deepen into teachings that you know will change your life

This is for you if…




  • The total cost for the program is $444.

  • The Wisdom of the Wolf call schedule will be as follows:

    • Thursday July 18 at 5 pm MDT

    • Thursday July 25 at 5 pm MDT

    • Thursday August 1 at 5 pm MDT

    • Thursday August 8 at 5 pm MDT

  • Yes, the calls will be recorded and the replays will be sent out within 24 hours.

  • Yes, space is limited to 5 women.

  • Due to the nature of this course, no refunds are available.

Still have questions? Let’s chat!