Reminders for Artemis Women

Dear Artemis Woman,

Now is the time when you really come alive.

Summer is your season, Artemis.

Now is the time to run and roam in your natural habitat, in a thick, mossy forest infused with the scent of pine.

Do you remember the feeling of putting your bare feet against the earth? Do you remember what it’s like to feel each and every cell in your body come online?

You know that you need to spend a great deal of time in Nature to feel your best, so now is the time to indulge it.

Now is the time to let yourself play.

Play in the woods, play in the river, play beneath the Moonlight.

You need time alone to clear your mind and come back to yourself. Don’t be afraid to take it.

But times are different than they were thousands of years ago, Artemis.

You are connected to others, whether you like it or not.

I know you love your headstrong, independent nature, but be honest with yourself: Are you using it as armor to protect yourself against the vulnerability of intimacy?

I know you could easily get lost in the woods and belong to yourself forever, but some Sacred Time with other women now and then is a good thing.

Work on cultivating a Sacred Sisterhood, gather with other women who understand and support you.

Circle with them in the moonlight, using the phases of the moon as guidance.

You are, after all, a Goddess of the Moon, Artemis.

Make spending time in the moonlight a non-negotiable this summer.

Watch how it heightens your intuition and deepens your connection to the Wild, to your Wild.

You should know that your Wild is where your power is. It’s where you will find your ability to focus on what is most important to you.

What is most important, most valuable, most treasured to your Soul, dear Artemis?

Sit in the moonlight and let the answers come.

Devoting yourself to this path is where you will find the most fulfillment, the most pleasure, the most success.

Dear Artemis, don’t forget the power you hold.

Don’t forget that if your Soul needs soothing, nature is there to welcome you into her embrace.

Don’t forget that in the light of the Moon, your brilliance will be reflected back to you.


The Moon Mysteries


When the Moon Is Calling…