Close your eyes and imagine it was you in this picture.

Imagine yourself draped in a beautiful, white, silky tunic as you make your way across the Temple courtyard. The grass is silky soft beneath your feet.

It’s just you and the light of the Moon to guide your way.

The sky is a deep indigo and stars glitter like the most delicate net of jewels. The scent of ripe oranges and a hint of frankincense from the Temple lingers in the air.

Slowly, mindfully, using all your senses, you take in the perfect night before you as you make your way to the Temple pool.

Once you arrive, you dip your feet in, feeling the refreshment of the water.

Gently, you lower yourself to sit upon the edge of the pool, closing your eyes as the Full Moon shines brightly before you.

It’s just you and Her. You and the Moon.

You take 3 deep breaths as you close your eyes, feel her power, and start to remember…

For thousands of years, the Moon has played a vital role in the Sacred lives of women.

She has been a guide, activator, teacher, and healing balm.  

She is a blueprint, a holder of mysteries, a keeper of wisdom.

She is one of the most powerful tools we have access to in our process of Devotion.

So many women are drawn to the Moon for reasons they can’t explain.

They look up to the night sky with a sense of longing that others in their life don’t seem to understand or relate to.

And when the world around them doesn’t seem to share the same respect and reverence for this Celestial Guide, their own threads of connection can begin to fray.

If this is you, I want you to know you’re not weird…you just remember.

This Summer, I invite you to join me for The Moon Mysteries, a 3 part Mini-Course that will reconnect you to the ancient threads that are longing for your remembrance...

Module 1: The Moon Mystery Foundations

In this module, we will explore the Ancient Herstory of the Moon, the powers held within the phases of the Moon, and why the Moon is such an important Sacred Tool for women. 

This module is foundational and sets the stage for the deepening of the mysteries in the following modules…

Module 2: The Goddesses of the Moon

In Module 2, we will focus on 3 Mistresses of the Moon.  I'll take you on a journey deep into the mythology surrounding each Lunar Goddess, the wisdom and medicine she has for us, and how to connect with each of them to deepen your spiritual practice.

Module 3: Ancient Moon Practices & Rituals

Module 3 is the most mystical of all the modules. In this module you will learn a variety of Sacred Practices & Tools to help you deepen your connection to the Moon.

This is where we go from grounded to deeply spiritual and you'll learn ancient practices that are not common knowledge.

We begin in June 2024.

The special pre-sale price of $44 is available only until the Summer Solstice on June 20.

 Save your spot here.


Permission Slips for Persephone Women


Reminders for Artemis Women