Permission Slips for Persephone Women

Dear Persephone,

Your whole life, you have been waiting for permission.

Waiting for permission to be who you truly are, to follow your deepest truth, to let yourself live in the way you want to live.

No one is coming to give you that permission, dearest Persephone, but may these words help you give that permission to yourself.

This is the journey you are being called to take; the journey from Maiden to Mother, from Kore to Queen.

This is a journey that will ask you to recognize your own strength, to realize that you were never destined to look to others to validate you, to save you, to protect you.

I know it’s been a hard journey already and I know it hasn’t been fair. I know you have valid reasons to be angry and sad and heartbroken.

Let yourself feel those feelings, for in the movement through those feelings, there is power.

Know that you have permission to trust yourself, to trust that your desires are clues from the Universe leading you towards the life you’ve been longing for.

Know that you have permission to use your voice.

You are allowed to speak your truth, even if it means someone else might be upset, disappointed, or inconvenienced.

You have permission to be your own woman, Persephone, the kind who stands firmly behind what she knows to be true, even when it doesn’t make sense to those around her.

You have permission to chart a path that is different from the one your parents took.

You are allowed to want a different kind of life for yourself, even if they don’t get it.

You have permission to explore, to experiment, to try things out in order to see if it's a fit for you.

You are never beholden to a past version of your identity. You are always allowed to evolve.

Don’t compare yourself to those who claim their lives are all easy rainbows and butterflies. You don’t want to live a life void of authenticity just to garner false admiration from others.

You’re much deeper than that, Persephone.

You’ve weathered many storms, seen many challenges, faced down many dragons and yet here you stand.

See your battle scars as reminders of your strength, not your weakness.

It’s what you choose to do with the darkness that matters.

And you my love, you are the kind to to turn the darkness into your very own Queendom.

Here’s to you, Persephone.


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The Moon Mysteries