When You Want Something and It Hasn’t Happened Yet

When I look back at my life, very few things (if any) worked out in the way and in the timeframe I wanted.

I think this happens to all of us, especially when we’re young.

We want the relationship, the job, the salary, the car, the home, the family and we want it so badly that we think we need it now.

But often times, for whatever reason, God, Spirit, the Universe tells us, “No” or “Not right now.”

And humans have a hard time with, “No.”

In hindsight, when I look back at the big milestones and important moments in my life, I can see that it was actually a blessing that things go my way…

It was such a blessing that I didn’t get into the graduate program I thought I wanted to go to, because it allowed me the chance to go to one of my dream schools instead.

It was such a blessing that none of my relationships worked out, because I was in the perfect mental and emotional space when I met my husband.

It was such a blessing that I was rejected for my dream job the first time I applied, because it gave me a year to experience another career and be in an even better position later on to actually get that job.

At the time, those rejections and delays were extremely disappointing and often difficult to get over.

But now, it’s so clear to me how much they worked to my benefit.

Now, I see how much more I cared about the timeline without considering the timing.

Do you hear the difference?

It’s extremely subtle, but it’s powerful.

When we care about the timeline more than timing, we want what we want and we want it NOW.

There’s a sense of urgency about it, a desperation, a neediness. And oftentimes we don’t see it or won’t admit it to ourselves.

But when we care more about the timing, when we know that the right thing at the wrong time can be a hugely missed opportunity and that we’re better off just waiting, we can relax a little.

We might still be eager for the thing, but there’s a sense of trust in the unfolding, a trust in the process, a knowing that there are other pieces being put in place that we can’t see right now.

Caring more about the timeline comes from a place of being more attached to your ego than your wisest self.

It comes from a need to prove yourself, a need to force things to happen, and a lack of feeling content with how things are in the moment even if it’s not what you ultimately want.

Caring about the timing comes from a place of being grounded, steady, and sure that what is meant to you will find its way.

It comes from a sense of trust—in yourself, in the Universe, and that whatever it is you’re wanting needs to be ready for you too.

I know it can be hard, even devastating, when something you want so badly doesn’t work out how you wanted or when you wanted.

Life can test us, to the point where it might even feel cruel.

But in those moments where you want something so badly and it hasn’t happened yet, practice trusting in the timing instead of giving all of your power to your timeline.

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