It’s Time to Get 


  • You compare yourself relentlessly to other people and it feels like torture. You want to break this habit, but you're not sure how.

  • You're tired of chasing permission, approval, and validation from other people...but you also struggle to give that approval to yourself.

  • You're jealous of women who seem to know who they are and what they want. You crave that level of confidence and self-assuredness.

  • You're caught up in a cycle of trying to Keep Up With the Joneses'. You find yourself secretly competing with your friends, coworkers, and neighbors, because you feel like if you don't have what they have, it means you're not good enough and therefore a failure.

  • You've been consumed by the relentless pursuit for more money, the dream relationship, the perfect body, or the next level in your career. It's all you can think about, but deep down you know it's eating you from the inside out.

  • You've immersed yourself in all the personal development, manifestation, & personal power content available, but you're still not getting the results you want. You're tired of beating your head against the wall, wondering "why it's working for everyone else" and not for you.

  • You've invested in the coaches, paid for the programs, & listened to all the podcasts, but now everyone else's voice is swimming around in your head. You don't even know what your Soul has to say anymore, because you can't hear your own Inner Wisdom.

  • The sh*t hit the fan this year and life threw you some curveballs that have thrown you off-center. Despite your best intentions, you've gotten off-track with all the things that help keep you grounded and you're ready to feel like yourself again.

  • You wish there was an internal reset button that you could hit to just bring yourself back to your truth, your wisdom, and help you live life in the way you know you were meant to.

Hot take: Many of the resources that you think were designed to help you were actually designed to keep you stuck and dependent.

Have you ever noticed how the more you dive into personal development, self-help, or even spirituality, there’s always something else you have to fix?

Have you ever noticed how people have become addicted to healing? How they will work with a therapist for years without making much progress or they’ll keep investing in the next level of a coach’s 1:1 containers or next-level program?

Have you ever stopped to think that comparisons, hustle culture, and an endless pursuit for more is an epidemic that causes more problems than it solves?

To put it simply, we live in a culture that does its very best to take us off-center.

We live in a world where we are bombarded with noise; whether it’s the constant barrage of negativity on the news or what everyone else is doing on our Instagram feeds (not to mention all the noise that goes on in our heads everyday…)

And it is destroying us.

We are taught, from a very young age, how to give our authority over to others; whether it’s mainstream culture, an academic institution, or even just the people around us.

We live in a society that values extroversion over introversion, hustle over rest, and the never-ending pursuit of more money, more fame, a fancier car, and a better body.

We have forgotten how to be human beings and instead have bought into the idea that we need to operate like machines.

So rarely do we feel like we can afford to take the time to slow down, get still, and tap into our own innate wisdom.

We’re either so busy fixing ourselves or so busy running from ourselves that we’ve completely forgotten how to trust ourselves.

Does this sound familiar?

I’m Alex, an Ivy League trained therapist-turned-coach who believes we all need a detox from modern culture.

I believe that for many people, especially those who have been in the personal development world for a while, it’s often about unbecoming what society has told them they need to be and getting back to that quiet voice of truth that lies within.

It’s about learning how to get still and be with yourself, I mean really be with yourself and actually enjoy your own company. It’s about sourcing our guidance from within instead of constantly looking to others for permission to live the way we want to live.

And this is why I created CENTERED.

The truth is, no matter who you are life is going to throw you off-center at some point.

You’re going to be handed a curveball, feel tortured by comparisons, or your attempt to keep up with the Joneses’ is going to have you crying in the shower because you are so.freaking.burned.out trying to keep up.

And without a set of skills to help you detox from all of this, the pain will just keep on coming…and will have you convinced you’re broken instead of just full of thoughts, opinions, and other things that aren’t really yours.

The lessons, teachings, and protocols that you’ll see in CENTERED work…and I can say that confidently because they are the ones I originally created and used for myself.

That’s right, even as a highly trained therapist who has worked in every level of mental health care, life still threw me off-center and I needed something to anchor into to help bring me back to me.

I wasn’t looking for trite, pop-psychology teachings or catchy self-help phrases, no.

Instead, I wanted a program rooted in depth and archetypal psychology teachings, something that would bring me back to my own inner wisdom in a way no other program I’ve seen could do.

CENTERED is an 8-week self-guided course that blends the best of depth and archetypal psychology, spiritual teachings, and nervous system regulation techniques to help you detox from all the noise that isn’t serving you.

This protocol is designed to be used again and again, and alumni consistently tell me that they’ll always remember these lessons and use them frequently to bring themselves back to who they are at their core.

I can’t wait for you to experience the magic for yourself!

Who is Hestia?

I chose to base the CENTERED program around the wisdom of the Goddess Hestia and here’s why…

If you’re not familiar, Hestia is the Greek Goddess of the Home and the Hearth, and as an archetype (or pattern in the collective unconscious), she functions as the aspect of a woman’s psyche that is internally focused.

Hestia is calm, contemplative, spiritual, and grounded. She knows who she is, what she wants, and she does not compare herself or look for approval.

Hestia knows how to source her power and wisdom from within. She’s the kind of woman who has a strong psychological and spiritual core, the kind who can whether storms with grace because she trusts herself to get through them.

Represented by the flames in a hearth fire, Hestia is a powerful archetype who is the epitome of a centered woman, and in CENTERED, I’m going to help you connect to your own version of her.

What’s Inside of CENTERED:

Module 1: An Introduction to Hestia & Centeredness

Who is the Goddess Hestia and how does she function as an archetype in the minds of women? Whether you’re a Goddess expert or this is all new to you, you’ll gain a crystal clear understanding of who Hestia is and how you can use her wisdom to create a foundation of Centeredness in your life.

In this module we will also talk about Hestia’s relationship to other goddess archetypes, how those archetypes can pull you off-center, and dive deep into how she affects nervous system regulation.

Module 2: Rituals

In the ancient world, Hestia was rarely found in mythology, but she could always be found in ritual. Rituals and routines are one of the single most important tools that we have when it comes to getting and keeping ourselves centered.

In this module, you’ll be introduced to a huge variety of rituals, including morning and evening routines, energetic maintenance, grounding and clearing rituals, nervous system rituals, and even a “Sunday Scaries” routine.

These practices will help calm your nervous system, reduce anxiety, and help you find peace and centering no matter how busy you are or what’s happening in your day. (PS—If you struggle with anxiety, you’re going to LOVE this module. Rituals are key for managing anxiety!)

Module 3: A Lifestyle of Self-Care

Your lifestyle is the medium through which you care for your mind, body, and soul. Living well is truly an art, and if you want to feel centered in your highest self, your lifestyle must reflect that.

One of the biggest mistakes that modern psychology makes is its neglect of the body when discussing the mind. Our bodies and our minds don’t function separately; they are intricately connected and what happens in one affects the other.

In this module we’ll talk about lifestyle foundations, developing a strong relationship with your body, nourishing and supporting your body through your diet and exercise, and how to support yourself through each phase of the menstrual cycle.

Module 4: Protecting Your Centeredness (aka Setting Some F*cking Boundaries)

This is one of my favorite modules in the entire course. Over the past decade, I have become a true master at setting boundaries in every aspect of my life and it is one of the topics my clients consistently ask me to teach about.

While it’s the shortest module in the program, it’s probably the most impactful. You’ll learn to distinguish between internal and external boundaries, how to not confuse walls with boundaries, and how to say "no” without feeling like a jerk. This module alone is worth more than half a dozen therapy sessions on the topic!

Module 5: Centeredness, Personal Power, & Manifestation

Do you know how to really own who you are, what you want, and make it happen, but do you want to do it in a way that actually feels like you?

This module is my response to the coaches you see on Instagram who use a “Money, Sex, Power” approach to personal power and tell you that if you’re not posting risqué pictures of yourself online with a catchy quote underneath, then you don’t have personal power. Instead, learn how to follow Hestia’s lead and be a self-sourcing goddess who doesn’t need to prove her worth to others (especially not through methods that compromise her integrity).

Module 6: Crowns, the Need to Shine, & Coming Back Home

Crowns are the things we elevate to such a level of importance that we are willing to sacrifice just about anything in order to get them and crowns take us off-center. The need to be seen, the need for approval, and the need for “likes” disconnects us from our true power and has us living life on a hamster wheel chasing artificial highs.

Most of us suffer from “Crown Syndrome” at one point or another, it’s only human after all. Your crown could be a relationship, a degree, or a salary goal that you make more important than everything else, and consequently you don’t realize what you’re damaging in the process.

In this final module, you’ll be asked to take a look at the things that have the potential to take you off-center as you emerge out of this course and into the world. We’ll conclude by talking about coming home to yourself and the sweet space of wisdom you’ve cultivated within.

Daily Homework: Journal Prompts & Nervous System Regulation Techniques

You will get the best results from this program when you commit to daily action to get yourself back to a place of centeredness. I know how hard it can be to make a change in your life, even if you want it, so that’s why I’ve intentionally designed the homework to be powerful and time efficient.

I’ll guide you through some powerful tools to help you regulate and reset your nervous system in 10 minutes or less. You’ll also have daily journal prompts (between 1 and 3 questions a day) that will help you make the most of the content in that week’s lessons.


When you enroll in CENTERED, you will also get access to the brand new BONUS PACK, which includes 6 never-before-heard lectures and riffs and 2 bonus guides that will help you take your journey towards centeredness even deeper.

Bonus #1: Human Design & Centeredness

How to use your Human Design to get (and stay) clear, grounded, and centered. In this lesson, I also give you the inside scoop on how I used Human Design principles to create more peace and centeredness in my own life as a 6/2 Manifestor.

Bonus #2: The Coaching World & Centeredness

One of my spiciest, most controversial talks ever! I’m getting unfiltered and talking about the dark-side of the coaching and therapy industries, how to choose coaches with integrity, & sharing how you can keep your sense of self stable while working with other people.

Bonus #3: Social Media & Centeredness

This is one of the most important discussions we can have in the modern age! We’ll talk about the subtle ways that social media can pull you off-center and perpetuate feelings of anxiety, depression, body image distress, and low self-esteem. I share with you my own journey with social media, talk about why I left and how that affected my business (and mental health), as well as my social media detox protocol.

Bonus #4: How to Find Truth in Your Body

Time and time again clients and patients have told me that this is one of the most powerful things they learned from me. In this riff, I break down my super simple way of finding truth in your body and how to use your body as the ultimate guide to keep you centered.

Bonus #5: How to Stay Centered When Sh*t Falls Apart

It’s all well and good to talk about staying centered when things are going well (or well-enough), but what about when sh*t really hits the fan and your life feels like it’s on fire? In this lesson, we’ll talk about how to approach staying centered when it feels like your world is falling apart. (And if you’re the type who likes when coaches share really personal stories, then you’re going to love this one…)

Bonus #6: How to Stop Keeping Up With the Joneses’: A Pep-Talk

For those times when you find yourself caught in a comparison cycle or you feel pressure to live like your friend, neighbor, or that girl you secretly stalk on Instagram. Let me pull back the curtain and tell you about what you don’t see when you’re comparing yourself to the Joneses’ (or whoever). You’ll want to keep this one handy to help remind you of what you’re losing every time you try to keep up with someone else.

Bonus #7: How to Create Your At-Home Apothecary

Turn your medicine cabinet into your very own Wellness Apothecary! Get access to my personal list of wellness tools and resources to help you keep your home stocked with natural remedies that will support you and your family’s health.

Bonus #8: How to Turn Your Home Into a Cozy Sanctuary

The perfect Hestian, Hygge guide to help you create the most nurturing, nourishing environment to come home to everyday. In this guide I’ll teach you how to create an environment that supports your sense of centeredness and peace of mind on any budget!

Combined, all of the content in CENTERED is valued at more than $2222, but during this special launch is yours for only

Why learn from me?

I’m Alex Smith, an Ivy League-trained therapist turned writer, mentor, and coach.

Well before I became a therapist, back when I was in my late teens and early twenties, my life was consumed by anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder.

I had the world’s worst self-esteem, was a chronic people-pleaser, and was consumed by crippling perfectionism. My life was devoted to trying to have the perfect body, the perfect grades, and trying to get the perfect job with the best salary. I chased external validation and approval like it was nobody’s business. And I was absolutely miserable.

If you’re familiar with my story, you know that I took a very atypical route to healing. After spending years in therapy and almost two years in and out of treatment centers, I stepped away from traditional psychology and found healing through alternative modalities.

Years later, after getting to a solid place in my recovery, I went back to school to become a therapist. I received two master’s degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and became a licensed therapist in the state of Colorado.

I’ve since worked in every single of mental health care, including Acute Inpatient, Inpatient, Residential, Partial-Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient. I’ve been a Therapist, Clinical Manager, and Clinical Director overseeing one of the largest behavioral health hospitals in the country. Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients in their recovery from eating disorders, anxiety, depression, personality disorders, and trauma.

And I can tell you that while traditional therapy has a time and a place, it’s usually not enough to help people not just survive, but thrive.

I left the world of traditional therapy in the Fall of 2022 to become a writer, coach, and mentor to women who are looking for alternative resources in their healing journey.

The CENTERED course features my signature blend of the best healing modalities available, including spiritual concepts, archetypal healing, depth psychological principles, and traditional and positive psychology.

I share with you the knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained being in the personal development world for the last 15 years and everything I teach is based off of methods I practice myself and have seen work with hundreds of clients over the years.

The concepts you see in my courses are also the exact ones that I used to go from anxious, depressed, and self-loathing, to a confident, grounded woman who loves herself, is married to the love of her life, and is expecting her first baby.

I’m so excited for you to experience the magic of CENTERED, but more importantly, I’m excited for you to delight in the magic of really loving and trusting yourself.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • CENTERED is a self-paced course that lasts for 8 weeks. There are 6 modules with integration weeks after the 2nd and 4th modules to give you time to catch up on or review any of the material. No new content will be released during the integration weeks.

  • You will be able to register for CENTERED beginning October 15. The course material will be available starting Monday November 4. The course will end right before Christmas.

  • CENTERED uses the Greek Goddess Hestia as an archetype, a pattern that exists in the collective unconscious to represent an aspect of ourselves that we can cultivate. So while she can be considered part of a pagan belief system, CENTERED is not a pagan course and is fully adaptable to other belief systems. If you believe in God, Jesus, Allah, the Universe, or someone else, please feel free to substitute them any time you see Hestia.

    And by the way, I fully support you adapting this course to work best for you!

  • Each module in CENTERED ranges from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours long. You can expect to spend about 10-20 minutes/day on homework. You are more than welcome to watch all the lessons in the module at once, or break it up in a way that works for you!

    Remember: You'll have integration weeks after Week 2 and Week 4 to give you some time to catch up if you need it!

  • CENTERED is designed to help you bring you back home to you. This means helping you turn down the volume on other people's opinions, help you decrease your need for approval or validation, and bring you back to a place where you can hear, trust, and live by your own wisdom.

    That being said, I cannot guarantee specific results, because it really depends on how much you put into it. What you put into this course is what you will receive from it!

  • The CENTERED curriculum is typically $2222, but during this special sale period is yours for $555.

  • Yes, a 3-month payment plan is available for payments of $200/month.

  • Due to the nature of the course, no refunds are available. If you have any questions that you need answered before committing, please email

Disclaimer: This course is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any mental health disorders. Please seek out the help of a qualified professional if you require support around a mental health condition.