Why Women Love Women Who Run With the Wolves

It’s a book that calls to Women like the Howl of the Wolf calls to the Moon.

She beckons, she pulls, she draws you in whether you understand why or not.

It’s one of those things where you don’t find Her, She finds You.

It’s a book that takes women deep, deep, deeper into the realms of the subconscious, the instinctual, the intuitive.

It reminds us of things we have forgotten.

Women Who Run With the Wolves is, in my opinion, one of the most important books ever written for women.

Originally published in 1992, it sat atop the New York Times Bestseller List for 145 weeks. It’s sold millions of copies over the last several decades and it continues to be a foundational work for those in the fields of depth and archetypal psychology.

To read this book is to open into a portal that awakens a change deep within you; the kind of change that only the deepest of spiritual material can create.

It’s the kind that connects you with things you know intuitively but have forgotten, the kind that can be read a hundred times with each reading netting you something more and different.

The best books are like this; they’re the ones who grow with us, the ones whose messages only get deeper as we get deeper ourselves.

Women Who Run With the Wolves is unbelievably exquisite book that parts the veils into the realm of mythology, archetypes, stories, fairy tales. These are the original forms of healing.

Women today crave this kind of depth, because we live in a society that is so void of it.

We have become a people who have forgotten, denigrated, and dismissed the sacred.

We have done away with ritual, rites of passage, and ceremony.

We’ve torn ourselves away from the natural world and moved into impressive yet artificial environments, cities, skyscrapers, concrete jungles.

We care more about money, sex, and power than health, love, happiness, and connection.

We have become a shallow society, starved for what is true and real.

Women Who Run With the Wolves helps remind us what is real.

It reminds us of what it means to be truly human, how it feels to move through the Life/Death/Life cycle, how to see through what is shallow into what is deep, and how to recall the parts of ourselves that society has led us to dismember.

These are the instructions that lead to the most profound kinds of healing, because for most of us, what needs is healing is the Soul, not the mind.

What we need is a remembering, a re-membering of the parts of ourselves that society has asked us to hide away, like layers of important clothing that we’ve dropped by the wayside for the last several thousand years.

We need a world that cautiously embraces modern technology while upholding the traditions and depth that feed our Souls.

Women Who Run With the Wolves is one of those books that can help us do just that.

Thank you to Clarissa Pinkola Estés for following her soul and giving us such an incredible tool and guide for healing. It’s women like her and Marion Woodman and Jean Shinoda Bolen who have given us works of art that can help us reclaim what is true, real, and in danger of being lost.


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