Be Careful What You Crown


There’s an entire module in my CENTERED program devoted to the things we crown.

The things we elevate to such a level of importance that we are willing to sacrifice just about anything in order to get it.

In my twenties, I had a lot of crowns:

  • The desire (more like desperation) for a soul mate relationship (which led me to experience many, well, not soul mates)

  • The need to prove my worth through credentials, degrees, titles, and salary

  • The aching for the perfect body and only feeling okay about myself if I looked a certain way

I didn’t see them as crowns at the time, but they were.

I still have crowns in my life…we all do.

But every day I work to disentangle the things my ego wants from the true callings of my soul.

Here’s the kicker though: Sometimes your ego and soul want the same thing, but the difference is how they tell you to get there.

Your soul won’t ask you to sacrifice your sanity on your way to your desire. (Your ego could care less if you have a mental breakdown, as long as you have the thing).

Your soul won’t ask you to compromise the relationships that matter most. (Your ego won’t take others into consideration)

Your soul doesn’t want you to be miserable on the journey, because most of life is the journey and very little time is actually spent at the destination.

Beware the things you’ve crowned, the things you’ve made so important that you can’t enjoy your life until you have them.

And be careful who you let drive the car on the way to get to them.


How to Choose Your Soul Over Your Ego


What My Guides Are Asking of Me This Year