DIY Low-Tox Curl Activating Spray
Every woman knows that if you have curly hair, there’s a time you’ve wished for straight hair, and if you have straight hair, you’ve at one point longed for curls.
It’s so common to want what we don’t have, but there is something so beautiful about embracing your hair’s natural state and learning how to work with it.
Having naturally curly hair can be a bit of a challenge though.
Learning exactly which products to use and in what amounts and what order is nothing short of an art.
After a decade of predominantly wearing my hair straight (and learning how to keep my curls out), these days I find myself leaning into my curls and really taking the time to figure out how to best enhance them.
It’s taken a lot of practice and trial and error, but I think I’m just getting into a really good rhythm.
However, while my first and second day hair tend to have the right amount of curl with little-to-no frizz, I noticed that after that my hair started falling a little more flat and frizzy and I was tempted to start all over again.
I have tried several curl activating sprays over the years and found them to be only mildly effective, not to mention pricey and full of a long list of ingredients.
Enter this DIY Non-Toxic Curl Activating Spray, which is more effective than any other curl spray I’ve ever used, takes 2 minutes or less to make, and you probably have all of the ingredients on hand.
This homemade version is so good that I promise you I’ll never buy another Curl Activating Spray again.
DIY Low-Toxic Curl Activating Spray
One empty (preferably glass) spray bottle (I used an empty Primally Pure bottle)
One tablespoon of your favorite Low-Tox Conditioner or Leave-In Conditioner
One teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil (can substitute jojoba oil)
One teaspoon of your favorite low-tox hair gel (can substitute aloe vera gel)
Optional: 1-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (Ylang Ylang would be really lovely here)
Making this spray couldn’t be simpler: Simply take your clean spray bottle, add the ingredients, give it a shake, and you’re done.
That’s it.
I spray this on my curls and either scrunch it in or run my hand over it like a glaze to help smooth any frizz and reactivate my curls. It works perfectly.
You can use this on your hair as often as you like.
I typically use it in the morning to wake up my curls, throughout the day as needed, and before I go to bed to help keep them moisturized (it works even better if you pineapple your hair).
I wish I had known to make this back when I was spending $20-40 on bottles of curl spray that had God knows what kind of chemicals in it, but I love knowing that I can make an easy, low-tox version with items that I already have on hand. And of course for me this means a lot of my doTERRA favorites!
If you’re new to the world of essential oils or perhaps you’ve tried some but haven’t used doTERRA and seen the difference their purity and quality makes, I’d love to introduce you :)
You can check out a few of my doTERRA favorites for this curl spray here. When you order through me, you’ll get all of the support you need in getting started with essential oils, as well as a complementary wellness consultation. I can’t wait to show you the magic!
Alright my loves, that’s it for today! Happy Curl Wearing!
*I am a proud doTERRA Wellness Advocate and this post contains affiliate links.