10 Essential Oils You Need for Summer

essential oils for summertime

Summer is one of the best times to experience essential oils, because there are infinite opportunities to see first-hand just how powerful they are.

One of the biggest misconceptions about essential oils is that all they do is smell nice.

I love it when I come across someone who thinks this way, because then I get to share the science behind the oil and how effective they are for so many different things.

I also love it when someone says something along the lines of, “But oils are just some hippy dippy woo-woo nonsense.”

And then I laugh and get to tell them about how essential oils were one of the first tools we’d turn to back when I was a therapist working on inpatient units and a patient was having a panic attack, flashback, or was just struggling emotionally.

The truth is that when you buy a bottle of doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oil, you’re getting more than just a bottle of something that smells nice; You’re getting a multi-purpose plant ally that supports so many different aspects of your health and wellbeing.

Because many of our health needs change depending on the season, Summer is such an excellent time to try out these products for yourself. See what a difference it makes to have a set of natural remedies on hand to help support you and your family.

Today, I’ve put together a list of my top 10 favorite oils for Summer along with ways to use them, as well as some super easy ways to get started and save some money ($$$) at the bottom of this post.

Here’s to a beautiful summer!

Essential #1: Lavender

If you’re going to try out just one essential oil this summer, I would recommend Lavender.

While many people know Lavender for its calming properties and ability to soothe feelings of stress, anxiety, and tension, it’s also incredible for all kinds of skin concerns, including minor skin irritations, burns, and itchiness.

Here are just a few of the ways you can use Lavender this Summer:

  • To calm irritated skin after shaving

  • To decrease redness related to sunburns and help prevent peeling (combine with Frankincense for an even more powerful combination)

  • To soothe rashes or minor skin irritations

  • To help calm itchiness related to bug bites

  • Diffuse to promote a restful sleep environment

  • Can be added to lemonade for a refreshing summer drink (note: I would only trust doTERRA’s lavender to be taken internally…it’s the only one that meets my purity standards)

  • Can be used to create a relaxing linen or pillow spray

  • Can be added to your laundry to freshen up your clothing

Essential #2: Lemon

Lemon is another amazing essential oil that is super easy to get started with and use on a daily basis.

doTERRA sources their Lemon EO from Brazil and Southern Italy and it smells like pure sunshine in a bottle.

Sidebar: Citrus oils are what we’d use to support patients who were feeling down, depressed, or lethargic when I worked on inpatient eating disorder units.

Fun fact: It takes approximately 7 pounds of Lemon peel to make one bottle of doTERRA Lemon essential oil!

Like Lavender, Lemon has a myriad of uses (and actually smells amazing when paired with Lavender!)

Some of the ways you can use Lemon this summer include:

  • Diffusing it in the mornings to help energize your family

  • Make a Matcha Lemonade Body Scrub

  • Using it to support a positive mood

  • Can be added to water, vinegar, or your favorite home-cleaning spray for a powerful non-toxic cleaning boost

  • Mix a few drops with baking soda in a glass container to get rid of odors in your refrigerator

  • Take one drop internally with water or in a veggie cap to aid in digestion and support your body’s natural detoxification

  • Add it to some freshly whipped cream to pair with berries for an easy but delicious dessert

  • Diffuse when cleaning to help purify and cleanse the air

  • Use to help remove grease and tarnishing

  • The best all-natural goo/sticky residue remover

  • Helps keep natural wood furniture shiny and protected when mixed with olive oil

One note: If you apply any citrus oils topically, be sure to dilute with fractionated coconut oil and stay out of the sun for at least 12 hours to avoid sensitivity.

Essential #3: Peppermint

Peppermint is one of my favorite (and most frequently used) essential oils. It’s also one that I recommend most often.

Fun fact: One cup of doTERRA’S Peppermint oil is the equivalent of 26 cups of peppermint tea! And when you take the cap off and smell it, you won’t doubt it!

Peppermint is an oil everyone should have on hand, because it is such a powerful support for so many things.

My husband, who was supportive of me using essential oils but skeptical that they’d actually work for him, became a convert when I gave him some peppermint oil to try one night when he had a bad stomach ache.

Thirty minutes after applying a few drops topically and having a cup of doTERRA peppermint tea (made with hot water and one drop of oil) and he felt almost as good as new. Needless to say he no longer hesitates when I ask him if he wants some oils when he’s not feeling well.

Peppermint is an oil we use almost daily in our house and it’s just an all-around summer must-have.

Some of the ways you can use Peppermint this summer include:

  • Adding a drop to icy water to help make it extra refreshing and cooling

  • Rubbing it on your temples and back of your neck to support headaches and tension

  • Applying it topically to promote better digestion

  • Take a drop internally or in a veggie cap to support digestion

  • Add a drop to hot water for an after-dinner digestive tea

  • Combine it with Deep Blue to help soothe sore and tired muscles

  • Add it to a spray bottle of water or witch hazel to make a cooling foot spray (this is great after hikes, especially alongside some Deep Blue)

  • Diffusing to promote focus and concentration

  • Add a drop to melted chocolate to use with S’mores

  • Support for travel-related nausea (rub on temples, wrists, and/or neck and chest, diffuse, make a tea, take a drop in a veggie cap or use the Peppermint softgels)

Essential #4: TerraShield

If you’re anything like me, then you have memories of being sprayed down with bug spray during the summers as a kid.

However, conventional bug sprays are full of chemicals, the most well-known being DEET.

Now, a quick Google search might have you believing that DEET is safe in lower concentrations, but if I have the option between an all-natural effective insect repellant and a chemical developed by the military, I’m going to choose the natural one.

TerraShield is doTERRA’s all-natural repellant blend made of a powerful combination of oils including Citronella, Lemongrass, Thyme, Cedarwood, Geranium, and Peppermint in a sesame seed oil base.

Because it comes pre-diluted, you can apply a few drops of TerraShield directly to your skin in places where you want some insect protection.

However, if you’re the type who prefers a spray (like myself), doTERRA makes a convenient 30 mL spray version that is perfect for travel, or you can make your own by filling half of a glass spray bottle with water, the other half with witch hazel, and add 20-30 drops of TerraShield depending on the size of the bottle.

Some ways you can use TerraShield this Summer include:

  • Applying to yourself or your family before playing outside

  • Spray behind knees, elbows, etc. before going on nightly walks

  • Pack in your hiking gear to use before hitting the trail

  • Take on camping trips and to outdoor events

  • Apply before enjoying a summer picnic

  • Bring with you when star or moon gazing

Essential #5: OnGuard

So often we think of Fall and Winter as being seasons where we need to focus on cold/flu prevention, but our immune systems still need support during the summer.

If you’ve got a busy summer planned, or if you’re going to be in airports, on planes, or in crowded places, do yourself a favor and grab a bottle of OnGuard.

OnGuard was the first doTERRA oil that I fell in love with, and initially it was just because I loved the scent.

However, I quickly learned that it’s an absolute powerhouse at supporting your immune system.

OnGuard is one of doTERRA’s best selling products (and now product ranges) and is made up of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.

It smells *amazing* (to me it smells like Christmas,) and it is incredible at protecting against seasonal and environmental threats.

Anytime my husband or I start to feel even the slightest inkling of getting sick, we double up on the OnGuard and some Propolis Spray and we’re good to go.

Here are some ways you can use OnGuard this Summer:

  • Take 2-3 drops in a veggie cap or an OnGuard softgel to promote healthy immune function (learn more about my Road Trip Wellness Protocol here)

  • Add to water for a great non-toxic all-purpose surface cleaner

  • Soak sliced apples in water with a drop or two of OnGuard for a refreshing and immune-boosting snack

  • Apply topically to support natural immunity (I always put it on my throat, lymph nodes, chest, spine, and feet)

  • Diffuse to provide an uplifting aroma and help counteract seasonal threats

Essential #6: Deep Blue

Oh Deep Blue. So many wonderful things to say about Deep Blue.

This is another one of my favorite products to introduce essential oil skeptics to, because even they can’t deny the efficacy of Deep Blue.

Deep Blue is a muscle soothing blend that contains a combination of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue (German) Chamomile, and Osmanthus.

It gives you that soothing, cooling feeling when applied topically and comes in 3 different forms: An oil, a muscle rub, and a convenient no-mess stick (my personal favorite).

Deep Blue always reminds me of my tennis-playing days back in high school when I would slather on Icy Hot after practice. I’m grateful to now have a natural, high-quality upgrade as an adult!

Some ways you can use Deep Blue this Summer include:

  • Apply before and after workouts to help decrease soreness and provide muscle relief

  • Use after a long day of gardening/yard work

  • Applied to the lower back during long car or plane rides (the stick is perfect for this)

  • Tuck the stick or a few packets of the rub in your athletic bag for sports or the gym

  • Bring on a hike to provide muscle relief and a refreshing cooling sensation

  • Combine with some fractionated coconut oil for a deep muscle massage

Essential #7: Balance

Balance is another one of my long-time favorite essential oils and is probably the one I use most frequently throughout the day.

Balance is doTERRA’s Grounding Blend that contains Black Spruce, Ho Leaf, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

It. Smells. Divine.

Balance has a very earthy, woodsy aroma that is immediately grounding and soothing to the senses. It makes me feel like I’m walking in an ancient forest.

Check out this video that shows the effect of Balance Oil on blood cells after applied topically to the feet. You’ll see that before applied, the cells are very clumped together and slow moving, but thirty seconds after it’s a different story!

Some ways that you can use Balance this Summer include:

  • Applied topically to the bottoms of the feet to promote grounding and homeostasis

  • Diffuse for a calming and grounding environment

  • Use in the mornings before a busy day to help you stay centered

  • Diffuse in the car during road trips

  • Roll onto your neck or spine before airplane travel

  • Add a drop to your hands, rub together, and inhale for a quick moment of grounding

  • Makes an excellent meditation/spiritual practice enhancer

Essential #8: Copaiba

Copaiba is a fascinating essential oil that is derived from the resin of the Copaiba tree, which grows to be over 100 feet tall in tropical South America.

While it’s widely used in Brazil and other parts of South America, most Americans are just learning about it.

Now here’s the really interesting part: Although Copaiba doesn’t have any psychoactive cannabinoids, its main component is β-caryophyllene (BCP), which is an irregular cannabinoid that binds to CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is a major regulator of human health and the BCP in Copaiba binds to these CB2 receptors to aid healthy immune and inflammatory responses. It also influences multiple signaling pathways to promote healthy liver, digestive, kidney, heart, and brain function, which all supports our general health and wellbeing.

This also makes Copaiba an excellent alternative to CBD for those who might prefer another option.

One of my all-time favorite uses of Copaiba is for extra support for pain relief. You might notice that’s why doTERRA added it to the Deep Blue stick!

Here are some ways you can use Copaiba this Summer:

  • Take one to two drops with water, juice, tea, or in a Veggie Cap to support cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory system health.

  • Put a drop under your tongue to help regulate your nervous system during moments of stress

  • Diffuse to promote restful sleep

  • Keep softgels on hand or take a drop or two in a Veggie Cap to support pain relief

  • Massage a few drops with a carrier oil or Deep Blue Rub to soothe stressed skin

  • Menstrual Cramp Relief: Apply topically over lower abdomen with a carrier oil (can also combine with lavender for an extra boost) and take a drop or two internally with a Veggie Cap (I’ve struggled with pretty horrific menstrual cramps and this is the most effective combination I’ve ever tried)

Essential #9: Tea Tree

Tea Tree, also known as Melaleuca, is an amazing oil for all things cleansing and purifying.

Because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, it’s excellent at supporting all kinds of skin and nail concerns, dandruff, acne, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, swimmer’s ear, etc.

It’s also great for supporting the body’s natural immunity and is helpful to have on hand if you’ve got any kind of cough or congestion.

Check out this video of what happens to bacteria when Tea Tree is applied to it:

Fun Fact: doTERRA sources their Tea Tree from Australia and Kenya and it takes approximately 3 pounds of tea tree leaves to produce one bottle of essential oil.

Some ways to use Tea Tree oil this Summer include:

  • Add a few drops to your shampoo bottle to help purify and detoxify your scalp

  • Soothe and comfort dry, cracked skin by adding to your moisturizer

  • Diffuse to freshen and purify your home

  • Add a few drops to the corner of your shower to help alleviate congestion

  • Combine with water in a spray bottle to use as a cleansing agent

  • Apply to fingernails and cuticles after showering

  • Using it to clean your washing machine

  • Dilute with fractionated coconut oil and use around (but never in) the ear to soothe discomfort

Note: Tea Tree is not suitable for internal consumption. Please do not ingest this oil! There is also research that suggests it can be harmful to dogs and cats, so please keep it away from pets.

Essential #10: Frankincense

Last but certainly not least is Frankincense.

If I had to choose only one oil to use for the rest of time, it would be this one.

Frankincense is an oil with an extremely ancient pedigree and for good reason. It’s basically liquid gold and its nickname is “The King of Oils.”

Its use dates back to at least the times of Ancient Egypt and is well known as being one of the gifts the three wise men brought to Jesus. It was used for health purposes, in the temples for anointing, as a beauty elixir, in burial rites, etc.

Frankincense is made from the resin of Boswellia trees and serves a number of important uses including supporting healthy cellular function, beautifying and rejuvenating skin (it’s an excellent oil for anti-aging protection), promoting immunity, and produces a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally.

Again, I would only trust doTERRA’s Frankincense, as they are the only company on the market that has been shown to not adulterate their oils.

Some ways to use Frankincense this Summer include:

  • Adding a drop to your moisturizer or skin serum to promote healthy skin

  • Diffusing for a calming and mindful environment

  • Rub a drop in your hands and on your chest prior to meditation or your spiritual practice

  • Combine with Lavender and fractionated coconut oil and use on sunburns to decrease redness, peeling, and itchiness

  • Take a drop internally to promote healthy cellular function, inflammation levels, and support your body’s natural immunity

  • Combine with some fractionated coconut oil to soothe razor burn

  • Diffuse or roll-on during travel to help keep calm and support immunity

  • And as the saying goes, “When in doubt, get the Frankincense out.”

Alright my friends, that’s it for today.

If you’re ready to upgrade your medicine cabinet with one or more of these incredible oils, check out my Summer Essentials Bundle. This bundle gets you all the products mentioned above, along with a savings of $183, a free diffuser, and free wholesale pricing for a whole year!

When you sign up through my link you’ll also get a complementary wellness assessment and any support you may need on your essential oil journey.

Not ready for all the oils but still want to try a few? Don’t worry friend, I’ve got you covered. Check out one of these Mini Bundles:

And if you’re the type who just wants to customize their own cart, you can do so by clicking here.

You’ll still get a free, one-year membership with wholesale pricing (25% off products), access to me as your own Wellness Advocate, and a personalized wellness consultation with the Mini-Bundles and Choose Your Own.

Have any questions? Email hello@ivyrosemoon.com for more support.

Here’s to a happy, healthy Summer!


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DIY Non-Toxic Matcha Lemonade Body Scrub