All About doTERRA’s Balance Oil

For those of us who find ourselves needing some more grounding and a sense of balance in our lives, doTERRA’S Balance Oil is the perfect remedy.

Balance, along with OnGuard, were the first doTERRA oils I ever fell in love with and by the end of today’s post, you’re going to understand why.

In this post we’re going to talk about:

  • All of the oils inside of the Balance blend

  • What the benefits are

  • A variety of ways to incorporate Balance into your daily life

  • How to get it at wholesale pricing

What’s In Balance?

doTERRA’S Balance Oil combines CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® Black Spruce, Ho Leaf, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus in a base Fractionated Coconut Oil.

It smells woodsy and earthy, almost like walking through an ancient forest. This is doTERRA’S Grounding Blend and for good reason!

Each of the oils in this blend were carefully chosen to promote a sense of groundedness, calming, and wellbeing:

Black Spruce: An extremely calming and relaxing oil that soothes stress and helps with blocked emotions. Is great for skin, respiratory health, and easing muscle tension. Used by many Native American tribes for both spiritual and physical health.

Ho Leaf: Offers a tranquil aroma that contributes to a calming atmosphere. Introduces feelings of peace.

Frankincense: An extremely ancient essential oil, also known as the “King of Oils.” Incredible for supporting cellular health, skin health, and inflammatory levels. A high-frequency oil that supports spiritual connection and promotes Mind, Body, Spirit integration.

Blue Tansy: Provides a soft and sweet aroma that uplifts the mood. Soothing to skin and healing for blemishes.

Blue Chamomile: Provides a calming and relaxing aroma. Eases feelings of worry, disappointment, and discouragement. Soothing to the skin and senses.

Osmanthus: An extremely precious absolute with an apricot/pear-like scent. Enhances skin, eases stress, and offers a comforting, sweet aroma that supports your meditation and yoga practice. The orange blossoms from this plant are often used in tea.

What Are the Benefits?

The power of essential oils goes way beyond their aromatic properties and they are incredible tools for supporting a variety of systems in our bodies.

Balance is no different. Not only does it smell divine, but it has a variety of properties that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

The oils that were selected for Balance each contribute to a sense of calming, grounding, and relaxing, but they all do it in a different way.

Any time we have a tree oil like Black Spruce in a blend, it’s going to contribute that deep earthiness and sturdiness that trees provide.

Trees are literally grounded and rooted into the earth, and so when you use a blend like Balance, you’ll feel yourself be grounded and rooted as well.

This is one of the reasons that Balance is one of my top picks for anxiety, stress, and rumination.

Anxious, stressful thoughts that are intrusive and occur on repeat are all functions of the mind; grounding tree oils help bring us back down “from the clouds” and feel a little more secure with our feet on the Earth.

The addition of Frankincense not only lends that signature warm, spicy, herbal aroma, but it also nourishes the skin, supports healthy inflammation levels, and promotes cellular health.

Frankincense is an extremely ancient essential oil with a strong spiritual pedigree. It has been used in religious rites and ceremonies for thousands of years and is an excellent oil to use during your morning practice, meditation, etc.

Fun fact: The first worldwide export was Frankincense and at one time it was considered more precious than gold.

Elements like Blue Tansy and Ho Leaf also help uplift the mood and introduce feelings of peace, which help make this oil a very well-rounded grounding blend.

And if that wasn’t enough, take a look at this video showing how Balance oil can help oxygenate red blood cells:

You’ll see that prior to the application of the Balance oil, the red blood cells are all sticky, stagnant, and clumped together. But 30 seconds after one drop of Balance oil is applied, the blood cells are moving and flowing.

How Can I Use It?

There are so many ways you can incorporate Balance into your daily routine, so here’s just a few that I would recommend:

  • Apply one drop daily to the bottom of your feet to support emotional regulation upon waking

  • Diffuse or apply topically to help soothe anxious feelings

  • Use before a test, presentation, or job interview to help you ground

  • Rub a drop into your chest, hold your hand over your heart, and take 3 deep breaths for an emotional re-set

  • Great for those who live in the city and can’t get out into nature to balance themselves

  • Excellent for travel-related stress (great to apply on the bottom of your feet, spine, or wrists)

  • Use as part of your sacred morning routine or meditation practice

  • Combine with Lavender and diffuse at night to help promote sleep

  • Apply to your pulse points as a personal fragrance

  • Layer with doTERRA’s Serenity blend to create “Liquid Calm”

  • Use while hiking to enhance the experience and support respiratory health

  • Great for diffusing or applying topically before yoga to promote greater feelings of calm

Because Balance already contains Fractionated Coconut Oil, unless you have sensitive skin or are pregnant, it doesn’t require further dilution and can be applied directly to your skin.

Where Can I Get Some?

One bottle of Balance Oil retails for $34.67 USD, but with a wholesale membership you can get it for only $26.

That’s a pretty incredible price for what is literally the highest quality essential oil brand out there and for a wellness tool that you can use in so many ways.

If you’re new to doTERRA and want to get your hands on a bottle of Balance, simply click the button below to get started!

When you sign up through my link, you’ll also be gifted a free one-year membership to access all the products at wholesale pricing (25% off), a complementary wellness consultation to create a personalized wellness plan just for you, as well as my personal support in your essential oil journey 💜

Here’s to feeling grounded!

*I am a proud doTERRA Wellness Advocate and this post contains affiliate links.

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