All About doTERRA’s Lavender Oil

Often referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils,” Lavender is a must-have for every home and medicine cabinet.

While people often know of Lavender for it’s calming and soothing properties, they don’t often know that this oil can do so much more than that.

Today I’m going to share with you everything you need to know about the history and ancient uses of Lavender, the health benefits of lavender, where and how doTERRA sources, and how to incorporate it into your daily life.

The History & Ancient Uses of Lavender

The history of Lavender dates back to at least the time of the Ancient Romans and Egyptians.

In fact, Lavender gets her name from the Latin word “lavare,” which means to wash.Because Lavender is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-viral, it was used by the Romans to help clean battle wounds.

The Ancient Romans also used Lavender for a variety of other purposes including:

  • Disinfecting fruits and vegetables

  • Natural perfume and deodorant

  • To freshen up linens and to use in laundering

  • Disinfecting floors or other surfaces

  • To scent the waters in private and public bathhouses

A Greek physician named Dioscorides who worked for the Roman army wrote that Lavender was useful in treating indigestion, sore throats, headaches, and various skin concerns/conditions.

Egyptians were likely among the first, if not the first to utilize lavender for anointing rituals, embalming practices, and perfumery.

There are many ancient texts written by physicians of the time who praised the use of plants and essential oils as medicine.

I’ve always found it interesting that despite praising the technologies and accomplishments of these ancient cultures, we are quick to dismiss the natural forms of healing that they relied upon as first-course treatments.

However, I’ve observed that especially over the last few years, an increasing number of people are waking up to the power of all different kinds of plant medicine, including essential oils.

The Benefits of Lavender

As you’ve started to see, the benefits of Lavender go far beyond stress relief…in fact, the earliest uses of lavender were not specifically or exclusively for stress and anxiety.

Now, it should be said that we are talking about the benefits of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Lavender Essential Oil here.

This means the oil is a 100% pure and high quality essential oil that is not adulterated with other ingredients or synthetically created in a lab.

Most people don’t know that so many of the lavender oils that are on the market are synthetic or adulterated. They’re fake, lab-created oils, or oils diluted with synthetic ingredients designed to smell like whatever essential oil they’re claiming to be.

No other company on the market meets the purity and quality standards that doTERRA does. doTERRA also does more testing than any other company on the market (both themselves and through third parties) and is committed to only using pure, therapeutic grade oils.

This matters because a fragrance or synthetic oil will not have the same chemical constituents that provide the healing properties of a CPTG essential oil.

Here are just a few of the benefits and healing properties of Lavender:

  • Soothes feelings of stress and anxiety (when I worked on inpatient behavioral health units we often used lavender to help calm and soothe patients who were dysregulated, anxious, or who had flashbacks)

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Supports deeper sleep

  • Calms rashes and irritated skin

  • Helps stop itching associated with bug bites, allergic reactions, or other minor skin irritants

  • Encourages feelings of mental clarity and focus

  • Works as a natural anti-histamine

  • Has antiseptic properties (check out this interesting study about how Lavender EO may help improve the effectiveness of of a common antiseptic against MRSA strains)

The doTERRA Difference

So we’ve already talked a little bit about what makes doTERRA’s oils different from other companies on the market, but let’s dive a little deeper because there’s more to be said here.

One of the things that makes doTERRA stand out as a company is their commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing of the plants used in their products.

doTERRA goes out of their way to plant crops in their native environments and ensure that they can continue to be sourced in a sustainable way that is not harmful to the environment.

They also go above and beyond to ensure that the workers who tend to these crops are well-taken care of, by providing them with fair and timely wages and supporting the communities in which they live.

doTERRA sources their Lavender from two places: Bulgaria and France.

While the southern region of Provence is well-known for its infamous lavender fields, many people don’t know that Bulgaria has a rich history of being one of the top producers in the world for essential oils.

However, in the Post-Communist era, the government provided more support for wheat, sunflower, and crown, leading farmers to switch to growing those plants instead.

doTERRA developed the Esseterre distillery in Bulgaria and in 2023 empowered 1,004 people via sourcing jobs and the total number of people who were benefitted from social impact projects numbers over 80,000!

They’ve also partnered with The Social Teahouse, an organization that provides jobs, mentorship, and support for orphaned teenagers aging out of the state system. Teenagers are able to work in the teahouse as baristas, learning a trade and being paid fair wages so they can begin to gain some independence and develop valuable life skills.

How to Use Lavender in Your Daily Routine

There are 3 primary ways to use doTERRA’s Lavender oil as part of your daily health and wellness protocols:

  • Topically: Directly on skin (diluted with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil)

  • Aromatically: Diffused into the air

  • Internally: In a veggie cap, glass of water, or as an additive to foods and beverages

Please note that not all essential oils are safe for internal consumption and only doTERRA oils that have nutrition facts on the back are safe to consume.

Some of my favorite ways to use Lavender include:

  • Diffused in the bedroom at night to promote sleep (I’ll often blend Balance or Breathe with it)

  • Mixed in a veggie cap with one drop of peppermint and one drop of lemon for relief from seasonal allergies

  • Rolled on the bottoms of feet, spine, or chest to help calm and relax

  • Used on rashes and bug bites for fast-acting itch relief

  • Mixed with Balance Oil to create “Liquid Calm”—great for in-the-moment anxiety relief

  • Adding a drop of Lavender and Lemon to a bowl of water, soaking a small towel, and then placing it in the refrigerator for a refreshing pick-me-up after a workout

  • Blended with water, witch hazel, or vodka in a spray bottle for a DIY linen spray

  • Mixed with lemonade for a refreshing summer beverage

  • Add a few drops to some epsom salt for a deeply relaxing bath

  • Using it as an “aftershave” mixed with some fractionated coconut oil to help calm the skin

Lavender is also one of the oils I always bring with us when we travel, again because of its “Swiss Army Knife” multi-use properties. I love that you can get so much bang for your buck with one bottle of Lavender, because it easily replaces the need for so many other products.

How Can I Get a Bottle of doTERRA Lavender?

If you’re excited to try the doTERRA difference for yourself and aren’t already a wholesale customer, all you have to do is click the link below to get started!

My link will gift you a free wholesale membership for one year, access to wholesale pricing (25% off), and personalized support from me as your Wellness Consultant.

Alright friends, that’s it for today! See you back next time for more in-depth reviews of all the great doTERRA products!

**I am a proud doTERRA Wellness Advocate.  This post contains affiliate links. 

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