How a Holistic Lifestyle Supports Your Sacred Feminine Practice

Over the last few thousand years, something has happened to the way we view our health.

When we look at all the ancient healing modalities, the original health sciences of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we see a common thread: Synergy.

In these Ancient Traditions, there is a respect for the synergy between the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

There is a knowing that one cannot be separated from the others.

There is an understanding that the way we live our daily lives, the way we care for Mind, Body, and Spirit sets the tone for our health, wealth, and experience on Earth.

Modern Science has torn this apart.

It has separated the Mind from the Body, Body from the Mind, and it has dismissed the Soul entirely.

It’s caused us to treat the symptoms rather than search for a cause, rely on quick fixes rather than invest in long-term health, and it has brainwashed us to see natural and holistic remedies as less effective than their artificial counterparts.

We are not a culture that prioritizes wellness. In fact, we’re not even one that tries to avoid sickness.

Instead, we are a culture that reacts to problems with the same logic that created them in the first place.

We are one that would prefer running our bodies into the ground while destroying the ground at the same time.

We are a world that is quickly losing sight of what really matters, what really nourishes and protects the Mind, Body, and Spirit. And if we lose this entirely, who knows if humanity will recover.

The work we do here is about not forgetting.

It’s about remembering what really matters, what it really means to care for ourselves, and to live that out in our daily lives.

Living a Sacred Life and walking this path necessitates that you care for your Mind, Body, and Spirit. All of them. Together.

It’s understanding that if one is out of balance, it will affect the others, guaranteed.

It’s realizing that we are not building blocks that are stacked upon one another, pieces that function and can be treated independently. It’s appreciating that all three players are part of a Symphony.

We cannot live our healthiest, happiest, most magical lives if we are not devoted to the wellbeing of all parts of ourselves.

A holistic lifestyle, one that tends to your Mind, Body, and Soul is the foundation of a Sacred Feminine life.

The Sacred is transmitted through the Soul, experienced through the Body, and pondered by the Mind.

Accessing the magic and mysteries of the unseen, cosmic realms requires that we are connected to and united in all three.

Here, we see connecting to our bodies as a privilege and a priority, because there is no other way.

If we want to live a Sacred Life, if we want to get in touch with our Souls and Spirit and live fully in the way we were meant to, there is no other option.

I see a holistic lifestyle as a foundational part of Sacred Feminine living and it is my passion and joy to share it with you.


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